To fully benefit from the advantages of numerical optimization, it is crucial to have a solid understanding good knowledge of the expected performance requirements of the products. Forgetting a loading mode or a requirement could have major consequences on the optimized design, since the algorithm will targetaim at the optimalum solution to the problem, based on the defined boundaries.
Moreover, although optimization certainly yield produces innovative solutions, the resulting solution can often be difficult or expeansive to manufacture. To avoid this issue, the optimization tools usually include manufacturing constraints that can be added to the problem, in order to guide the solution towards results that are best more suited for the conventional manufacturing processes.
Clearly, Certainly, with the as products are becoming more and more advancedperformant, the increased consumer expectations are increasing of consumers and new as well as the rise of new manufacturing technologies such as 3D printing (a solution that is perfectly suited for optimization, by the way!) are on the rise, numerical optimization is definitely an absolute essential tool to promote technological innovation and the development of new and improved products.
By: Jean-Nicolas Therien, P.Eng.