We provide in-depth expertise for your lifting needs of all kind, ensuring your equipment is secure and comply with safety standards.
Whether you need to design complete lifting equipment or optimize an existing system, our team can support you in every step of the project. We can take on the entire design of your project, or propose personalized solutions to meet your exact requirements.
We validate the capacity of your lifting equipment, whether it's in the design phase or already in operation. With our expertise in finite element analysis, we perform the calculations needed to assess the resistance of even the most complex suspended structures. Our team has a solid experience in validating welded joints to CSA W59, AWS D1.1 and other standards. We can also assist you with the dimensioning of welds and all connection elements.
Our engineers master current standards such as ASME BTH-1 and ASME B30.20. Combined with their expertise in structural analysis, they are fully qualified to certify the capacity of your lifting equipment and provide signed and sealed manufacturing drawings.